Are you ready for anything?
Do you sleep well at night, knowing that in the case of a disaster, whether natural or human-induced, your business can recover quickly? Is everything IT system in your business backed up in a way that ensures you against loss?
We are experts in using the latest technology to keep all aspects of your business functioning despite significant disruptive events. We can create and implement a disaster recovery plan that is part of your overall business continuity plan. Disaster recovery planning (DRP) is a subset of a larger process known as business continuity planning (BCP) and includes planning for resumption of applications, data, hardware, electronic communications and other IT infrastructure.
When you engage our services, we start by reviewing your BCP (If you don’t have one, we can advise you on the creation of one). Based on the objectives (RPO and RTO) specified in your plan, we will design the ideal disaster recovery systems for you, always keeping one eye on security and another eye on budgets.
Depending on the size, scope, and budgets in your business, the systems may include:
• Automatic backups made to disks, both on-site and off-site.
• Replication of data to an off-site location, making use of Storage Area Network (SAN) technology.
• Private Cloud solutions, which replicate the management data (VMs, Templates and disks) into the storage domains which are part of the private cloud setup.
• Hybrid Cloud solutions that replicate both to on-site and off-site data centers, providing the ability to instantly fail-over to local on-site hardware, but in the event of a physical disaster, servers can be brought up in the cloud data centers as well.
• The use of high availability systems which keep both the data and system replicated off-site, enabling continuous access, even after a disaster.
In addition to the design and build of your disaster recovery plan, we can help you to avoid disasters or prepare more fully for them by:
• Reducing the risks of power failure and other power related problems by installing and maintaining uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), surge protection, and other power related systems.
• The use of disk protection technology.
• The implementation of cybersecurity technology.
• Consulting on IT issues related to fire prevention/mitigation systems.
• Consistent tests of the disaster recovery systems (DR tests).
• A complete package of managed services, including 24/7 monitoring of all systems and a routine schedule of updates and maintenance.
Because every client’s business is different, every assignment starts with a comprehensive IT assessment, during which we learn all about your business, both current and future plans. Based on the IT assessment, we can design the ultimate disaster recovery systems for you.
See what we can enable your business to do, schedule a comprehensive IT assessment today!